I Like People
One of my innate drives is my love for other people in a very general sense. I am an eternal...
One of my innate drives is my love for other people in a very general sense. I am an eternal...
I’ve been in a few discussions recently where folks are quick to point out that I am a Cis-White-Male. They...
My direct memories of childhood are pretty sparse, but I wanted to share one in tribute to my father, Goodwin...
I had to do some research on the history of the term before launching into this discussion. In a nutshell,...
My curiosity takes me to some strange places on the internet. Like many such journeys, this one began on Facebook...
I have heard from some folks who have no children that they get a lot of flak for it. That...
Unlike a lot of internet things, I was not an early user of social networks. I grew up with Bulletin...
I am not a sports fan. Which is not to say I don’t like sports or don’t have any respect...
I just wanted to express my hatred for a condition that people I care about suffer from all too often....
Russians have been dominating the Trump news-o-sphere for a while now and I felt like weighing in on it. As...