Posts by Sigfried

Football Fantasy

I’m not a sports fan. I just don’t feel an ownership or investment in cheering for other people competing. I’d...

Gabriazar: the great

Let me tell you about my character 😛 Like many a gaming geek I’ve got tales galore of imaginary friends...

Magician: Apprentice & Master

Magician: Apprentice & Magician: Master are two books in a series (originally one volume) that started the career of fantasy...

Elder Scrolls Online

Anne and I started playing this game fairly regularly about one month ago and I think we are nearly done...

The Supernatural

I often frequent a site called Online Debate Network where I argue with a handful of other debate faithful on...


My current prime gaming addiction is Hearthstone. It is an on-line collectible card game put out by Blizzard themed on...

Good Friends

I think there is almost nothing in life that can bring you more richness than good friends. Even when I...

I am the 2%

Not the top 2% mind you, the bottom 2% and not income, but interest in the outdoors. I know this...

2015: Year of Creativity

I’ve never done new year resolutions, but in the twilight of 2012 I decided instead to have a theme for...

Damned Spammers

In resurrecting this poor little blog I found that the internet has only become more of a haven of scum...

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