Sig’s Blog Trinity
I now have three blogs going and I thought I’d give a rundown on them here for folks that may be interested.
Sig’s Thought Dispensary
This is my personal blog and where you will find rants or essays on politics, culture, and philosophy as well as anything not found on the other blogs. It’s non-commercial and I don’t work too hard at making it pretty. Lots of words and few pictures.
Trail and Hitch
This is where you can read about the adventures of Anne and I as we travel around the country in our Airstream. It is a mix of travel writing, product reviews, and how too articles as well as some bits about lifestyle and love. We try to make money through advertising products and services there.
Downy Owlbear Design
This is the website for my writing and games business. Here I will be selling or giving away various products related to games as well as posting blog articles about games from reviews to design discussions. It will also be the home of the new Netbook of Feats. It’s still not 100% ready for prime time but it’s there and I will start writing articles for it soon.