Current gaming addiction (DDO)
Current gaming addiction
Lately I’ve been back into playing DDO. While I’m a subscriber to it, the free to play model has brought in a lot of new players and the development team has been cranking out new and fun content to play. It really feels like the game has re-invented itself and found its audience as a result.
Ive been playing for 4 years but I’ve been out of game for at least 18 months of that time here and there, mostly because another game has caught my fancy or I just want a break from grinding monsters and treasure for a while. The guild I started back on day 1, Umber Hulks, is still kicking long after I stepped down as its leader. I’m amazed how many of its members are still playing and remain loyal to the guild.
About half my DDO time is spent playing and about half is spent creating character ideas, chatting with other players, and sifting through my inventory. My experience has shown that’s something I like in an MMO, a bit of a social experience and virtual shopping simulator along with a nice complicated game to make the prior two exercises worthwhile. These days you can find me in game, on the forums, and on the DDO podcast. I have something of a reputation as a rules and mechanics guru.
What makes the actual game such a pleasure is that the mechanics are complex, the strategies varied, and the action is fast paced. I find most of the other MMO’s tend to have straight forward mechanics (though still quite strategic) and a fairly plodding pace to the combat.
If you are looking for a fantasy hack and slash RPG, I highly recommend it. It is free to download and free to play from level 1 to 20. But be warned, while the free options make for a great game the paid options will grow very tempting. Turbine makes more now than they ever did with subscribers and it’s not by forcing anyone to pay.
I think MMOs are quintessentially what you describe there: social spaces, shopping simulators, and a way to exercise both of those (communication and equipment).
It was extremely deadly when WoW finally integrated the armory and equipment upgrade functionality into their system. Giving the players the roadmap and goals in the equipment department.
The other thing to include is the accomplishment checklist. Badges, awards, and scores are absolutely addicting for competitive people.
Testing new Captcha! Glad to see “current addiction” back on DDO! I have a couple of builds made after reading some of your old stuff. Might be nice to get a checkup! 🙂